Annual Subscription
Metabolic conditions, such as high blood sugar and cholesterol, are often the underlying cause of chronic diseases.
By conducting blood tests to assess metabolic health, we can gain insights that guide the development of effective prevention, management, and remission programs for a range of conditions.
Conducted By: Phlebotomist
Mode: In person
Location: Home
It is an assessment of the health of muscles and joints. Good Musculoskeletal health ensures good mobility and less joint pains. It also reduces the risk of falls and hence injury.
The expert checks gait (walking and overall body movement), muscle strength, ergonomics, and other joint-related issues.
Conducted By: Physiotherapist
Mode: In person
Location: Home
Fall Risk for seniors is very prevalent and falls have resulted in serious deterioration of health due to unavoidable surgical procedures and reduced confidence for movement which results in degeneration of muscles further and increases the fall risk further.
The Fall Risk Assessment is a combination of assessment of a person’s health condition as well as based on the living environment, especially bathroom or other areas.
Conducted By: Physiotherapist
Mode: In person
Location: Home
As we age, several changes occur in our eyes that can contribute to a deterioration in vision. In some cases, age-related vision changes may be a sign of a more serious eye condition, so it is important to have regular eye exams as you get older to detect and treat any problems early on.
We carry out various vision-related assessments including visual acuity tests for overall vision, refraction, subjective refraction test, binocular vision test, and color vision test.
Conducted By: Optometrist
Mode: In person
Location: Home
Hearing loss can affect the quality of life of seniors in multiple ways. It makes communication difficult, and reduces the ability to enjoy activities and hobbies leading to social isolation.
It also makes it difficult to hear important sounds such as alarms or emergency signals and, In some cases, hearing loss may be a symptom of an underlying health condition such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or heart disease.
Regular hearing assessments can ensure that seniors are able to hear and enjoy life to the fullest and prevent negative outcomes.
In hearing assessment, the member’s hearing ability is checked with the help of appropriate equipments.
Conducted By: Audiometrist
Mode: In person
Location: Home
As we age, we become more susceptible to tooth decay and gum disease. Dental problems can make it difficult to eat and enjoy food. This can lead to malnutrition and other health problems. Oral cancer is more common in older adults. A regular oral health assessment can also help to detect any signs of oral cancer early when it is more treatable.
Overall, an oral health assessment is an important part of maintaining good overall health and quality of life for seniors.
Oral health assessment includes Basic dental check-ups for cavities, stains, discolorations, gums, and tongue.
It also includes a check-up of teeth, cheeks, palate, lips, parotid glands examination, and sinus evaluation.
Conducted By: Dentist
Mode: In person
Location: Clinic
Psychological health assessment is important for seniors because Seniors are at greater risk for developing psychological health issues such as depression, anxiety, and dementia due to various triggers like as retirement, loss of loved ones, increased dependency, reduced mobility, and health issues.
Psychological health issues can impact a senior’s overall well-being, including their ability to enjoy life and maintain relationships. Psychological conditions untreated also give rise to psychosomatic disorders.
Psychological health evaluations can also help detect cognitive decline in seniors, which may be an early sign of dementia or other neurological conditions.
Overall, a psychological health assessment and effective rectification are important part of maintaining good overall health and quality of life for seniors.
Conducted By: Psychologist
Mode: Tele-consultation
Location: Home
Through a holistic assessment program, Zealver identifies each member’s unique health conditions and requirements. The Assessment Program is futile if it is not followed with an appropriate improvement, management, or remission plan.
Our multidisciplinary care team works with the challenges of our members and creates a personalized improvement plan.
But Zealver doesn’t stop at just giving a comprehensive care plan but we work together with our members to achieve desired outcomes. We do this by assigning a dedicated Zealver Companion to each member.
Zealver Companion works with members and coordinates their journey toward improved outcomes by:
This ongoing assessment and improvement process is a game-changer that will revolutionize how seniors live and age.
In addition to the Assessments, Action Plan, and Implementation services, our members can avail following services:
Add-on Services:
Services which are available for additional charges for our members:
Zealver Membership offers comprehensive assessments, personalized improvement plans & collaborative implementation for healthy aging.